It is essential to keep a variety of vegetables in your pantry for good health. Fresh vegetables are not only delicious to eat, but they also have numerous benefits. Apart from vitamin C, green vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants. However, even if you buy a few types of vegetables and keep them in the refrigerator, you will find that they go bad after a few days. If you follow some tips...
If you don't clean your mirror regularly, dust will accumulate and the mirror's shine will disappear. Bathroom mirrors will quickly deteriorate due to water stains and steam. However, if you don't know the proper cleaning method, the mirror will look even more blurry even after cleaning. Learn some tips. Wipe the mirror with a soft cloth dampened with warm water. Be careful not to get the...
নিচের গল্পতে আমরা ১২ জন দুষ্টু ছেলের চক্রান্তের পরেও বৃদ্ধের উপস্থিত বুদ্ধির কাছে কিভাবে সবাই হেরেছে সেটা নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। এক বৃদ্ধ ট্রেনে উঠেছে। গোটা কামরায় বৃদ্ধএকাই ছিলো। হঠাৎ ১২ জন যুবক চলন্ত ট্রেনের ঐ বগিতে উঠেই চিৎকার করে গান গাইতে শুরু করল । ছুরি দিয়ে আম কেটে কেটে খাচ্ছিলো । হঠাৎ, একটি যুবক বলে উঠলোঃ"চল আমরা ট্রেনের চেইনটা টেনে ট্রেনটাকে থামিয়ে দেই।" ২য় যুবকঃ "না দোস্ত, লেখা আছে...
A sudden irritating cough in the throat, Chewing a piece of ginger is very relaxing. Ginger tea also soothes cold coughs. It is also used as a spice. However, ginger dries quickly if left at room temperature. It does not stay fresh in the fridge for long if not stored properly. If you want to keep ginger fresh for some time, know some tips. Never store peeled or chopped ginger in the...
This is proof that medicine can be valuable too. This price increase is mainly due to many years of research and development costs. The price of 30 ml of this most valuable drug in the world is five thousand dollars. The drug is primarily used to treat life-threatening diseases that destroy red blood cells faster than normal. Saliris price : Soliris (eculizumab) is a member of the selective...