প্রসেসর (Processor), যাকে সিপিইউ (CPU - Central Processing Unit) বলা হয়, একটি কম্পিউটারের মস্তিষ্ক হিসেবে কাজ করে। এটি ডেটা প্রক্রিয়াজাত করার জন্য দায়ী এবং কম্পিউটারের সকল কাজের নির্দেশাবলী সম্পাদন করে। প্রসেসর কীভাবে কাজ করে তা নিচে ধাপে ধাপে ব্যাখ্যা করা হলো: ১. ইনস্ট্রাকশন ফেচ (Instruction Fetch): প্রসেসর মেমোরি থেকে প্রোগ্রাম ইনস্ট্রাকশন (নির্দেশাবলী) নিয়ে আসে। এই প্রক্রিয়াটি প্রোগ্রাম...
Leather bags and shoes have a special value as accessories. They also play a role in expressing personality. However, these luxury items require proper care. Their lifespan decreases due to lack of care. Find out what to do and what not to do when caring for leather shoes, bags, and belts. Wipe down your bags and shoes with a soft cloth after each use to prevent excess dirt from accumulating....
If you don't clean your mirror regularly, dust will accumulate and the mirror's shine will disappear. Bathroom mirrors will quickly deteriorate due to water stains and steam. However, if you don't know the proper cleaning method, the mirror will look even more blurry even after cleaning. Learn some tips. Wipe the mirror with a soft cloth dampened with warm water. Be careful not to get the...
Many people face various problems while making soft and fluffy bread. Either the bread does not rise properly, or it becomes soft but becomes hard after a while. If you follow some tricks, the bread will not only be soft but also rise properly. Knead the dough very well. This is the most important step in making soft bread. Knead the dough for at least 8 to 10 minutes until it is soft...
After making dough or flour, it becomes sticky and sticks to the fingers and the corners of the nails. They do not want to come off easily. It also seems annoying to wash your hands constantly. Knowing some tricks will solve this problem. Once the bread is made by kneading the dough, rub a little flour or dough into your hands without washing them with water. Rubbing this way will...