Bright marigolds are now adorning nurseries, office-courts or home balconies. The marigold flowering season lasts quite a long time from winter to spring. The trees are full of bright flowers till about March. However, the biggest enemy of marigolds is insects. Insects easily attack the flowers and leaves and make the plant pale. Learn how to care for marigolds if you want to get lots of...
Containers and Virtual Machines (VM) are two technologies that are used to run software and applications in separate environments. However, there are some important differences between the two. Below is an analysis of the differences between these two technologies. (Definition) Container :A container is a lightweight mechanism that packages together an application and all its dependencies...
নিচের গল্পতে আমরা ১২ জন দুষ্টু ছেলের চক্রান্তের পরেও বৃদ্ধের উপস্থিত বুদ্ধির কাছে কিভাবে সবাই হেরেছে সেটা নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। এক বৃদ্ধ ট্রেনে উঠেছে। গোটা কামরায় বৃদ্ধএকাই ছিলো। হঠাৎ ১২ জন যুবক চলন্ত ট্রেনের ঐ বগিতে উঠেই চিৎকার করে গান গাইতে শুরু করল । ছুরি দিয়ে আম কেটে কেটে খাচ্ছিলো । হঠাৎ, একটি যুবক বলে উঠলোঃ"চল আমরা ট্রেনের চেইনটা টেনে ট্রেনটাকে থামিয়ে দেই।" ২য় যুবকঃ "না দোস্ত, লেখা আছে...
When you eat butter with bread for breakfast, you find that it is solid. This butter is a result of the friction applied to the bread. When you apply hard butter, the soft bread gets torn in the middle. When you put it on the fire again, the butter melts completely, making it difficult to apply to the bread. In this case, the solution is to soften the butter a little. What can you do to soften...
Nowadays, trolling each other on various topics on social media has become a common thing. While trolling is acceptable up to a point, many people cannot handle it when it crosses the line. If someone posts something harsh on social media, it instantly spreads to thousands to millions of people. Nowadays, the impact of these things is starting to affect personal lives. Basically, trollers...