Keeping cholesterol under control keeps the heart healthy. In other words, the key to maintaining heart health is to keep cholesterol under control. Increasing bad cholesterol in the body is not good at all. It increases the risk of heart disease. Adopting a few habits in the morning can make a big difference in the body. What a person eats after waking up, how they move or how they start the...
There's no comparison to a microwave oven for heating, cooking, or baking food. But don't put anything in it in a hurry or without knowing it, which could be dangerous. Find out which things are not safe to put in the microwave. 1. Do not put aluminum foil in the microwave. It is made of very thin metal that creates sparks in the oven's radiation, which can damage the microwave or cause a...
Usually, when we say diabetes, we mean an excess of glucose in the blood. If the mother's blood glucose level is higher than normal during pregnancy, it is called gestational diabetes or Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). Usually, this condition occurs when the body's insulin cannot control the sugar level properly due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes usually...
Who doesn't love traveling around the country and abroad? However, even if you have the desire, it can sometimes be difficult to balance your budget with your desires. If you want to make the most of your time and space and travel at a low cost, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. When to plan a tour, how to book airline tickets, and how to keep your overall expenses in check -...
What is heroin? Heroin (diacetylmorphine or morphine diacetate (INN), or diamorphine (BAN) and colloquially known as H, Dope, Smack, Horse, Brown, Black, Tar, etc.) is an opioid-type painkiller. What does heroin mean? Heroin (diacetylmorphine or morphine diacetate (INN), or diamorphine (BAN) and colloquially known as H, Dope, Smack, Horse, Brown, Black, Tar, etc.) is an opioid-type painkiller....