Exhaust fans reduce the stuffiness of the kitchen. However, with regular use, this fan becomes greasy. When it becomes sticky and oily, it becomes slow. You can clean the exhaust fan very easily. Know the tips. First, take the parts of the fan apart. The top round part can be opened by turning it. If you pull it slightly towards the front, the main part will come off. Apply turpentine...
Many of us have heard of hernia, but not many know the details about this disease. When an organ or part of it protrudes through the muscle or membrane that covers it, that situation is called hernia. It can occur in any part of the body , but is usually seen more in the abdomen or groin. When there is a hernia, there is a swelling under the skin at that place. Hernias are named...
ইউটিউবের ইতিহাস ইউটিউব স্টিভ চেন, চ্যাড হার্লি এবং জাভেদ করিম ফেব্রুয়ারী 2005 সালে প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছিলেন। গুগল সাইটটি নভেম্বর 2006 সালে কিনেছিল। এখন ইউটিউব গুগলের অন্যতম সহযোগী হিসাবে কাজ করে। স্ট্যাক HTML5- একটি মার্কআপ ভাষা যা ওয়ার্ল্ড ওয়াইড ওয়েবে বিষয়বস্তু গঠন ও উপস্থাপনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়। CSS- হল একটি স্টাইল শীট ভাষা যা বর্ণনা করে যে কীভাবে HTML উপাদানগুলি স্ক্রিনে প্রদর্শিত হবে।...
Many people face various problems while making soft and fluffy bread. Either the bread does not rise properly, or it becomes soft but becomes hard after a while. If you follow some tricks, the bread will not only be soft but also rise properly. Knead the dough very well. This is the most important step in making soft bread. Knead the dough for at least 8 to 10 minutes until it is soft...
You bought a rose plant after seeing colorful flowers at the nursery. But since you got home, the flowers have disappeared! Even though the plant has grown, you don't see any flowers day after day. What to do? Find out the tips. If you want to get big flowers, you need to prune the plant regularly. After the flowers die, cut them from the bottom. Also, regularly prune the growing branches....