A bunch of fresh flowers in a vase can change the atmosphere of a room. Many people like to keep fresh flowers in their homes. However, the flowers in the vase wilt after a couple of days. Find out what to do if you want to keep flowers fresh for several days. Place the flowers in a clean vase. When placing them in water, cut the flower stem at a 45-degree angle. This will keep a large portion...
Anis Ahmed bought a new pair of shoes. He had blisters on his feet since the first day he wore them to work. He thought they would heal in a few days. But even after a few days, the blisters did not dry out, but rather the sores grew bigger. After thinking about it, he went to the doctor and found out that his problem was a complication of diabetes. Diabetic patients need to be especially aware...
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks worldwide. Many people cannot go through the day without it due to its taste and invigorating properties. While drinking coffee in moderation is healthy, adding too much sugar, cream, or artificial flavors can actually be detrimental to your health. You can make your coffee healthier by making a few simple changes. Refined sugar can cause blood...
This is proof that medicine can be valuable too. This price increase is mainly due to many years of research and development costs. The price of 30 ml of this most valuable drug in the world is five thousand dollars. The drug is primarily used to treat life-threatening diseases that destroy red blood cells faster than normal. Saliris price : Soliris (eculizumab) is a member of the selective...
নিচের গল্পতে আমরা ১২ জন দুষ্টু ছেলের চক্রান্তের পরেও বৃদ্ধের উপস্থিত বুদ্ধির কাছে কিভাবে সবাই হেরেছে সেটা নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। এক বৃদ্ধ ট্রেনে উঠেছে। গোটা কামরায় বৃদ্ধএকাই ছিলো। হঠাৎ ১২ জন যুবক চলন্ত ট্রেনের ঐ বগিতে উঠেই চিৎকার করে গান গাইতে শুরু করল । ছুরি দিয়ে আম কেটে কেটে খাচ্ছিলো । হঠাৎ, একটি যুবক বলে উঠলোঃ"চল আমরা ট্রেনের চেইনটা টেনে ট্রেনটাকে থামিয়ে দেই।" ২য় যুবকঃ "না দোস্ত, লেখা আছে...