ইউটিউবের ইতিহাস ইউটিউব স্টিভ চেন, চ্যাড হার্লি এবং জাভেদ করিম ফেব্রুয়ারী 2005 সালে প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছিলেন। গুগল সাইটটি নভেম্বর 2006 সালে কিনেছিল। এখন ইউটিউব গুগলের অন্যতম সহযোগী হিসাবে কাজ করে। স্ট্যাক HTML5- একটি মার্কআপ ভাষা যা ওয়ার্ল্ড ওয়াইড ওয়েবে বিষয়বস্তু গঠন ও উপস্থাপনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়। CSS- হল একটি স্টাইল শীট ভাষা যা বর্ণনা করে যে কীভাবে HTML উপাদানগুলি স্ক্রিনে প্রদর্শিত হবে।...
Our world is currently experiencing a lot of instability due to various reasons. Our lifestyle is also now so dynamic that it has become quite stressful to adapt to the events happening one after another and do everything properly. Many people around us are now suffering from various types of anxiety disorders. One of these is panic attack and panic disorder. These two conditions are not the...
Fish bones Eat or throw away? Ever thought? Disclaimer: This report is for general information only, so always seek expert advice for details. Nutritionists say that fish bones are full of calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, eating fish bones regularly fills the calcium deficiency in the body. Bone and dental health improves. Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are cured by chewing fish bones. Make...
You want to cook beef or mutton quickly because you have guests coming to your house. But if you don't have a pressure cooker at hand, it takes a lot of time to boil the meat. How to boil and cook meat quickly? Find out some tips. Marinate the meat before preparing the cooking ingredients. Marinate it with any acidic ingredients such as lemon, vinegar or buttermilk. This will help the meat...
A clever gambler played a game of wits with a bank manager and a lawyer. A man came to the bank and said to the bank manager: I want to deposit some money in the bank. The manager asked: How much money is there? . The man said: It will be like 25 lakhs... The manager said: Wow! You have quite a lot of money. what do you do? The man said: Nothing like that, kid. Betting on various sports...