Mental health is an important part of our lives. But many times it is seen that we are not very aware of mental health like physical health. Due to this, mental problems become serious. There are some early signs of mental problems. If these early signs are identified, the treatment process can be started quickly. Today we will know about the common signs that are seen when mental health...
তাজমহল নিয়ে প্রচলিত সবচেয়ে বড় গুজব! গুলো মধ্যে এটি অন্যতম। আসল ঘটনা নিচে বর্ণনা করা হলো। তাজমহল নিয়ে প্রচলিত একটা কথা আমরা শুনেছি এবং কথায় কথায় উদাহরণ হিসেবে একটা কথা ব্যবহার করি ৷ কথাটা হলো 'তাজমহল নির্মাণ সমাপ্ত হবার পর সম্রাট শাহজাহানের আদেশে তাঁর সৈন্যরা শ্রমিকদের আঙুল কেটেছিল যেন তারা এমন সুন্দর নিদর্শন দ্বিতীয়বার নির্মাণ করতে না পারে ৷' বাংলাদেশে বিশেষভাবে বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলি কেটে...
It is essential to keep a variety of vegetables in your pantry for good health. Fresh vegetables are not only delicious to eat, but they also have numerous benefits. Apart from vitamin C, green vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants. However, even if you buy a few types of vegetables and keep them in the refrigerator, you will find that they go bad after a few days. If you follow some tips...
History and development of Docker Docker is an open source platform based on container technology, and it has revolutionized the process of software development and deployment. The history of Docker is marked by several important periods and events. Below are the key points in the history and development of Docker: Initial Concept (2008-2012) Linux Containers : Docker's initial foundation...
Many people suffer from insomnia. Insufficient sleep can have an adverse effect on physical and mental health. Insomnia can make you feel tired all the time and lack energy for work throughout the day. You need to be aware of some things to get 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night. Avoiding certain tasks before going to bed will not disrupt your sleep. 1. Avoid screen use. Avoid...