Learn 5 tips to keep bananas fresh for longer!

Bananas are bought with a peel. However, after a few days, the color of the banana peel turns black. You can keep bananas fresh for several days by following a few simple steps.

1. Always hang bananas. This will help them ripen slowly. Bananas ripen quickly because the ethylene gas released by the banana stem. But if you hang them, the ethylene gas is released slowly, which is why bananas ripen slowly.

2. Covering the banana stem with plastic or aluminum foil can also prevent the release of ethylene gas.

3.Don't store bananas with other fruits or vegetables. Fruits like apples and tomatoes emit ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening process. Bananas will stay fresher for longer if they are stored separately.

4. Instead of buying a completely ripe banana, look for one that has a slight green tint. You can keep the banana in this condition for several days.

5. Do not store ripe bananas in the refrigerator. Cold temperatures can spoil bananas quickly. It is best to store this fruit in a dry place at room temperature.

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