Find out what to do if your shoes smell bad

If you wear shoes that cover your feet for long periods of time, bacteria often grow on your feet. Wearing socks exacerbates the problem. Even in winter, many people get sweaty feet. And the bacteria born due to sweat is the main cause of this bad smell. Know what to do to get rid of smelly shoes.

  • Mix together a quarter cup of baking soda, an equal amount of baking powder, and half a cup of cornstarch. Spread the mixture on your socks. Also put it inside your shoes. This will reduce the odor. 
  • Always keep your shoes in a dry place, but make sure there is enough air circulation.
  • Leave a piece of fabric softener sheet inside your shoes overnight. Take it out the next day and wear your shoes. The smell will be gone.
  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. After jogging, take off your shoes and spray them inside. Let them dry for five minutes.
  • Sprinkle a little salt on your sneakers occasionally to keep them odor-free.
  • Essential oils not only add fragrance, they are also effective in treating minor infections. Add a few drops of tea tree oil, lavender oil, or clove oil to your shoes. 
  • You can sprinkle some baking soda inside your shoes. The acidic content of baking soda helps keep your feet clean and prevents the growth of bacteria on your feet. This will help you avoid excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor.
  • Always wear cotton and clean socks. Wash your everyday socks every day. 
  • Leave dry tea bags in your shoes overnight. The odor will be removed. 
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