How important are dietary and lifestyle changes in gestational diabetes?

Usually, when we say diabetes, we mean an excess of glucose in the blood. If the mother's blood glucose level is higher than normal during pregnancy, it is called gestational diabetes or Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). Usually, this condition occurs when the body's insulin cannot control the sugar level properly due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes usually resolves after giving birth. However, in some cases, there is a risk of developing type 2 diabetes later, and in some cases, the fetus is also at risk of developing diabetes . Therefore, proper health care is very important during this time.
A woman goes through many complications during pregnancy. However, if she has gestational diabetes or GDM, she needs to be a little more aware throughout her pregnancy. Along with this, lifestyle modifications and dietary changes are also essential.
Some common symptoms of gestational diabetes
(1) Frequent need to urinate, especially at night
(2) Frequent urinary tract infections
(3) Excessive thirst
(4) Feeling excessively tired
(5) Nausea or vomiting
(6) Increased appetite
In some cases, the mother may lose weight. However, there are many other reasons for weight loss during pregnancy, so weight loss alone should not be considered diabetes. We must remember that the symptoms of gestational diabetes may not be the same in everyone, so the presence of the above symptoms alone cannot be assumed to be GDM. Only through proper diagnosis can we know whether GDM is really present.
How to test for diabetes in pregnancy
An Oral Glucose Tolerance Test is usually performed to diagnose gestational diabetes. Although this test is performed between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, it is performed earlier in mothers who are at high risk.
In this case, GDM is diagnosed when the fasting blood glucose level is 6.1 mmol/liter (110 mg/dl) or higher or 7.8 mmol/liter (140 mg/dl) or higher 2 hours after consuming 75 grams of glucose.
What should be your diet if you have gestational diabetes (GDM)?
Everyone should eat a balanced diet during pregnancy . If you are suffering from gestational diabetes, you must follow a specific diet.
1) Eat as much nutritious and healthy food as possible. You should never eat a lot of whatever you feel like eating.
2) The diet at this time should be such that the right amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and all necessary minerals and vitamins are met.
3) To keep your glucose levels in check, you should eat on time. You must eat breakfast and you should not skip any meals, you should eat small amounts frequently.
4) Eating excess fatty foods, fast food, deep-fried foods, and rich foods must be avoided.
5) Add a certain amount of fruits and vegetables to your diet, try to have a salad with every meal.
6) Do not include sugar or excess sweet foods in your diet. You can eat fish, eggs , and chicken breast without fat. Avoid red meat.
7) You can eat low-fat milk and yogurt regularly. Reduce the use of oil in food, if possible, use rice bran, sunflower or olive oil.
8) Instead of including white sugar and white flour in your diet, add dates, red flour, and oats in moderation to your diet.
9) If you are craving sugar, you can eat sweet fruits instead of biscuits, cakes, chocolate, and ice cream.
10) Try to eat at the same time every day. Instead of eating a lot at once, divide your meals into small portions, and eat 3 main meals and 1/2 light snack while maintaining a healthy calorie intake.
11) Include low glycemic foods in your breakfast. In any meal, keep half vegetables and the other half protein and carbohydrates. Try to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily.
Changes in lifestyle are necessary, such as
Gestational diabetes (GDM) also requires some important lifestyle changes to keep glucose levels under control and both mother and baby healthy.
Try to take a light walk for 5-10 minutes after every meal. If there are no other complications, then even during pregnancy, you can do light exercises, walking, some yoga. At least 30 minutes of exercise every day helps in controlling blood sugar levels. However, be sure to discuss it with your doctor before exercising.
Excess weight gain is a risk factor for GDM. It also increases the risk of the fetus becoming overweight or developing type 2 diabetes in the future. The mother's risk of heart disease also increases. Therefore, weight should be controlled.
You should pay attention to stress management. Excessive emotional stress creates problems in controlling GDM. Therefore, you should maintain good mental health. Meditation plays a beneficial role in this regard. You should get enough sleep every day. Lack of sleep can reduce the effectiveness of insulin, which can create more risks in case of GDM.
The last word
If you have GDM or gestational diabetes, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and get yourself and your unborn baby checked. In addition, you should eat according to the correct rules and calories throughout the pregnancy as advised by a nutritionist. That is, it is absolutely necessary to follow a proper diet. During pregnancy, you should regularly walk or do light exercise according to your physical condition, but of course, according to the advice of your doctor, expert and nutritionist. Under no circumstances should you do any heavy exercise without the advice of an expert.
If you follow the rules properly and control your diet and lifestyle, it is possible to ensure the health of the mother and baby, even if you have gestational diabetes. That's all for today. Stay well, everyone, stay healthy.
Written by - Sadia Israt Smriti, Nutritionist, Sirajul Islam Medical College Hospital
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