Rose plants not blooming? Find out 6 tips

You bought a rose plant after seeing colorful flowers at the nursery. But since you got home, the flowers have disappeared! Even though the plant has grown, you don't see any flowers day after day. What to do? Find out the tips.

  1. If you want to get big flowers, you need to prune the plant regularly. After the flowers die, cut them from the bottom. Also, regularly prune the growing branches. This will make the new branches that grow in that part much stronger, and the flowers will also grow bigger.
  2. If you want your rose plant to flower, there is no alternative to keeping the plant and the tub in the sun. If it gets 5 to 6 hours of sun every day, the plant can absorb the necessary nutrients from the soil. If it gets enough sun, the plant will bloom with colorful flowers throughout the year.  
  3. This problem can occur if the soil is not prepared properly when planting rose seedlings. Organic fertilizer is applied to the soil during soil preparation, from which the plant gets nutrients. If this is not done, apply liquid organic fertilizer while the plant is growing. Sometimes, bone meal and horn meal are also used as fertilizer. If the plant is planted in an eight-inch high pot, dig up the soil and spread 1 teaspoon of bone meal and horn meal on it.
  4. If weeds grow at the base of the tree, remove them. If new leaves grow at the base of the main branch of the tree, cut them off as well. This will ensure that the tree receives proper nutrition. 
  5. If the tree is affected by insects or any disease, the flowers may decrease or even stop blooming. The medicine should be chosen according to the problem. In this case, you can spray neem oil to protect the tree from insect attacks. 
  6. You can also benefit from drying banana peels in the sun and applying them to the plants. If you want, you can soak the banana peels in water for a few days and apply that water to the roots of the plants.
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