Why does the risk of heart attack increase in winter?

Heart attacks are the leading cause of death worldwide. Many people die every day from heart problems. Experts say that number increases several times during winter. But the question is why does this happen?

According to experts, the risk is higher especially among those who have high blood pressure. In winter, the blood vessels in the body narrow, which is called vasoconstriction. This process increases blood pressure in the body. That is, the pressure on the heart increases.

So you have to be careful. But remember that not all types of chest pain are signs of a heart attack. In case of a heart attack, the pain can also be felt in other parts of the body such as the jaw, left or right shoulder and back. You have to be careful if you have other symptoms such as sweating, feeling anxious, palpitations, discomfort.

Doctors say that heart attacks are often more common in the early morning or early evening during the winter months. So how you wake up in the morning is also important.

Not only heart attacks, but according to doctors, the incidence of brain strokes also increases in winter. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain stops or a blood vessel in the brain bursts. As a result, brain cells can also be damaged suddenly. To avoid brain strokes, high blood pressure must be controlled.

The main reason for all these diseases is that there is less physical activity in winter. Due to low temperatures, most people stay indoors most of the time. High-calorie foods can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Experts say it is recommended to increase light physical activity, wear warm clothes when going outside, and maintain a heart-healthy diet with vegetables, fruits, high fiber content, and adequate protein.

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