How much gap should there be between lunch and dinner?

How many people can follow a routine with eating? For many it is not possible due to the workload. Sometimes it is seen that the mouth is running all the time, and sometimes there is a gap of 10-12 hours.Everyone's lifestyle is different.It is not possible to be one. But many people become conscious after a while for good health. He tries to follow a routine despite his busy schedule. For many, the question arises again, how much time difference is ideal? The discussion is about this today.

Eating regularly is a very important aspect for a healthy lifestyle. How much difference is ideal between lunch and dinner. Why this gap should be there, everything is important. The digestion process depends on it, how the body's energy level will be and it is also important for overall health. Since everyone's life is different, it is very difficult to eat at the same time according to the daily routine. Only a few people can do that.

Keeping in mind the daily life, there should be a gap of 4 to 6 hours between lunch and dinner. This gap is also necessary. After eating food, it takes quite some time for it to be digested and its nutrients to enter the body. This time can be said to be 4 to 6 hours. It can be said that eating dinner before the digestion of lunch can hinder the processes of various parts of the body, starting from the digestive process.

If there is a gap, it will not seem like someone has eaten more than necessary and this can lead to fat gain or some physical problem. If there is no care, it is more of a problem. However, if the gap is too large, it can also be a problem. It may be that there is a need for additional food and as a result, weight gain can also occur.

How can a meal routine be created? Let's assume someone works a 9-5 job. In his case, the ideal time for lunch could be 12-1 pm and for dinner 6-7 pm. For those who have flexible work hours, a routine can be created accordingly. 

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